
Amy Louise

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So there's this boy. He does cheerleading with me. He is always super nice to me. People will make fun of me and he will stick up for me. He always talks to me. Could this mean that he likes me? Is it possible? Thanks Nick!

Sounds that way. But don't rush things!!! He might just be a good friend and sometimes its hard to tell the difference (trust me, ive lost too many friends by not knowing the difference!!)
Also how do you feel about him? Do you have a crush on him or do you just love him like a friend/brother? I know its hard to tell the difference and often you cant tell if its more or not. If you're not sure then dont risk your friendship by trying out a relationship with him...
hope you work it all out and let me know how things turn out...
Love Amy xoxo

If you were bound to possess at least one serious and twisted mental disorder, which mental disorder would you choose to have and why ?

Black Media
hmm i have no idea... i already have ADHD which is a mental disorder... i wouldnt call it serious and/or twisted tho...

Is faith something you get born with ?

Dan J.
true faith is something buried deep inside you... it isn't a choice and it never leaves... its just buried by others influences...
Liked by: Dan J. Xal

Why is communicating so hard sometimes?

Dan J.
Because everyone speaks different languages, tone, facial expressions, everything. One person could say "I love you" to 5 people and they could all think differently... one might say it was friendly, whilst another says its sarcastic and another thinks its flirtatious. People can take a single sentence and make it something its not...
Liked by: Xal Dan J.


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