
Andrea The Piano

Ask @AndreaThePiano

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Hi Andrea (and owner!), It's been a pleasure following you on Twitter and seeing all of your witty comments! I noticed that you've been blogging more often this month, and I was hoping we could connect outside of the Twitter-verse as well. More specifically, I was wondering if I could feature some

yes, yes . . .go on . . .I'm listening. . . .(who are you on twitter??)

Hello Andrea, My name is Bert and I love in Kalamazoo MI. I am very close with an older sister from 1865 whom resides in my theatre/piano shop. I am also close w a couple upright cousins from 1892 and 1896, as well as a great grand-son from 1923. Caring for old pianos such as yourself is my passion

I'm so glad to hear it! Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I've been busy getting ready for a really big project I've got coming up. I'm happy to know I have family and friends so close to home! (I'm in Wyandotte, MI)

What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

We're up at 4:30a.m. most days. We sleep in until 6:00a.m. on Sundays.

Where is the best place for a vacation?

The beautiful city of Wyandotte, MI, because then you can visit me, Andrea The Piano!

What angers you the most?

When people say that children shouldn't waste their time with music study because they will never make a living doing that. They just don't get it.

What's one thing everyone should do in their lifetime?

Learn to play the piano.. . Did you really think I would answer this question with anything else? ;)

Do you think that money can buy love?

Perhaps not. But money can buy antique piano restoration. That's the same thing, right?

What type of people are you afraid of?

Those who leave pianos in abandoned buildings, of those who toss pianos to the curb, of those who have no idea of our value.

Which famous person from the past would you most like to meet?

Just one?? I'd really like to meet Maria Anna Mozart, Wolfgang's older sister. Did you even know he had a sister? Did you know Mozart wrote pieces especially for her to play? Yes, I'd like to meet her!. . . I'd also like to meet Mozart, Bach, Liberace, Joplin. I'd like to meet Moses and Jesus, too.. . .

What was the worst age you’ve had so far?

Hmmm. . . I've had a lot of years. .I'm going on 143 years of age. . . .Probably my gestational year, all that preparing and bending and forming of wood can really take a toll on one's psyche.

What's the most valuable thing you've held in your hands?

I don't have hands. But, I daresay, having the Steinway touch and all, well, I am the valuable thing that others have touched.

What was the last thing you made with your own hands?

I don't have hands. I am a piano. My pianist's hands, however, have made much Christmas music with me lately.

Language: English