
Andreas Suryo

Ask @Andreas_17

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What gift would you like to receive?

Someone please give me one of these!!! I want it so bad lol... I don't know why, but i'm totally in love with these sunglasses, so buy me one!! P.S.: My birthday has passed this year but it's not too late to give me one of these ? #kodekeras
What gift would you like to receive

What's the absolute best vacation you can imagine?

Hmm... A vacation with the one(s) you love the most, to the place that they want/love the most (eventhough it maybe just a fictional land ( i don't mind lol)), cherishing and living every moment , doing crazy things together and daydreaming about things together.

Would you erase your most precious memories to become smarter?

Memories are meant to be kept especially the precious ones... Eventhough that won't make us any smarter, but that makes us more lively
Liked by: yulyana

What's the last movie you watched?

I forget... I watch movies rarely haha...
Maybe it is Inside Out? I'm not really sure haha

desc your classmate

All of them????? Seriously!!!???
But it's okay since it's been a long time i haven't opened this app..hahaha
Airel: the prettiest (?), baik, kalem" gitu, kalau ngomong kadang matanya suka kayak mau keluar, kadang ngajak nonton film bareng... She has a lot of 'aib' expressions...
Amel: cewek yang cukup bawel, suka anime, fujoshi, sangat suka belajar bahasa apapun
Arya: cowok yg lumayan jago main futsal dan basket.. Lumayan pinter Bio
Bagas: yang paling jago olahraga, sering minta diajarin Bio, temen curhat. Kadang suka isengin orang... Bagas terkadang......
Cindy: temen dateng paling pagi, suka K-pop, kadang curhat ke gw, cukup berani gitu orangnya.
Dayna: baik, bijak, dewasa, but look stressed so often.
Denny: anak yg kadang suka ketawain sesuatu dan gw gtw dia ketawain apaan (jarang ngobrol juga)
Edgar: kadang suka pake" nama gw, gtw omongin apaan. Lumayan jago basket
Evelyne: suka MD, suka Kpop, suara bagus
Ivan: si boncel yang suka ngelucu
Jeffy: pinter, rajin, baik, omongannya ketus tapi baik.. Gampang emosi..dulu sering curhat 2 arah..
Jochu: orang yang ketawanya bisa bikin orang lain ketawa, pinter, baik, lucu, six lol
Kevin: sering dipanggil KR, pinter, mageran, suka hina orang (tapi baik kok)... Temen curhat (he knows all of my secret lol), best friend~~~~~
Kristi: baik, pinter, pengertian (laporan fisika sekelompok pernah dikerjain gara" sekelompok sibuk ngerjain makalah agama buddha lol)
Leo: temen renang, rambut di mana-mana
Michael : baik, baperan, suka starb*cks
Nathasya: kpop lover, baik, rajin, sering emosi lol
Olivia: si murid baru, baik tapi blak"an banget
Rahel: yg tw kapan gw bete lol
Ricky T: yang menjaga keperawanan buku catatannya
Tiffany: bawel, sering diajak bercanda sama guru...baik tapi
Vanessa: baik, suaranya cemoreng banget
Wilwin: tiap hari latian basket, jago basket, sering manggil" gw lol
Bonus: desc some of my close friends:
Aaron: temen curhat (also knows a lot of my secrets) , baik, bijak, jago futsal
Calista: jago banget design omg, telah makan banyak asam garam lol, the first one to give me a birthday gift (she even gives me 2 gifts)
Fenny: temen baperan lol
Marcell: childish outside, (kinda) mature inside
Melvin: kadang nanya gw ini itu.. Terus kadang curhat k gw.. Jago basket
Regina: manggil pake bebeb, padahal kita gak pacaran lol
Yulyana: suaranya seremmmmm..... Partner in crime
Sepertinya itu saja haha

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Liked by: Regina


raheljulietha’s Profile PhotoRahel Julietha
Rahel itu baik banget...
Kalau gw dah keliatan stress atau capek, langsung dikasih permen mint biar gk stress lagi (terus gw abisin itu permen mint ampe setengah bungkus tapi Rahel gak marah)
Rahel itu bijak dan dewasa, belajar banyak hal dari Rahel ...
Sepertinya sudah ya...
Liked by: Rahel Julietha

Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance the most?

I don't dance like crazy.
I dance with (way too much) feelings.
Sia's Songs, i love them so much.

Lu termasuk belieber ato directioner?

You're asking the wrong person.
I'm not a fans of them.


Rambut hitam
Suka selfie
Hobi jalan-jalan
Slim (?)
Dulu kita satu sekolah
Sekarang dah nggak
Dah lama gak ketemu
Bisa mengendarai motor
Suka dandan
Punya adek
Anak sulung (?)


Language: English