
Angelily Aster

Quick question, why aren't you updating the entries for 'Fearless B!' contest? There are many ppl comment their entry for that contest, though.

bcause i decided to do it once the last day of submissoon ended. many contestant keeps changing their entries and such. :)

Latest answers from Angelily Aster

author ff yg awk luangkan masa bersama

Sorry baru ada masa utk bls. Sy prnh hangout dgn Jie, Sue & Kak shimm. Sampai lupa username aff dorg ahahaha

jualan buku akak dah cecah berapa?.harap akak terus berkaryaaa i love Seoulmate so much. Apalah mak akak bagi akak makan sampai dapat idea nak tulis macam ni XD

Hi! Alhamdulillah, Seoulmate dah sold out sbb limited edition je ^^ thank you sbb sudi baca novel akak. I'll try to write a better story for everyone that supporting me. I eat love for life, that's why. Thank you again! ♡

i heard that you went to the korea and viva polo. What's food you ordered?is it okay to eat there since it wasn't halal restaurant?

At viva polo,i ate pumpkin soup. It's okay to eat there as long as you're confident that the food doesnt contain any meat (including chicken n beef bcs they arent slaugtered in the islamic way) i also didnt ate any pasta because i was afraid they use wine during preparation of the food. Just make sure to ask before you order any food. If they said there's no meat or alcoholic drink but there's actually is, it's not your fault. It's considered you are cheated. Just opt for seafood and vegetarian stuffs is the best way. ^^

what the skincare product did you use?

hahaha. i am not sure why you are asking this question. I use safi balqis facial care set. facial foam cleanser, exfoliator, toner, serum, and moisturizer

apa yang awak nk buat kalu ada bapak beruang dpn awak??

saya tanya dia, "pak cik, beruang mana? lama tak jumpa dia"

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