

Ask @AngelinaLovesHarryStyles

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??What would you say to your young self and why?

keep to yourself. no one is going to be there for you when you need them, but that’s okay. all you need is yourself. don’t let people in as easily because as soon as you do, they walk out. stay strong and independent as you have always been.

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If you see really cute person in public place standing alone , what do you do ?

stare until they notice me and think I’m cute (hopefully they will approach me first)

What is the most useful thing/skill/habit (of any nature, personal or professional) you've learnt/developed in your life?

learn to let go, even if it hurts
you can’t water a dead flower
get back up and keep fighting
be the person you’d want your kid to be with
live your life to the fullest
appreciate the little things in life


Language: English