
Angel Melendez

Ask @Angelmelendez0408

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Are you good at swimming?

Yes. I always pushed myself till I threw up. I wanted to be the best. To prove my dumb parents wrong. And my coaches. I used hate as a motivation. And love as a weakness. I wanted to win every tournament. So I practiced to the limit.
Liked by: luz ✨ .

Who was your idol when you were growing up?

No one. I didn't look up to people cuz I didn't need anyone. I did stuff myself. I taught myself stuff. I learned my own way. I did stuff my own way. Tbh I don't need anyone. But I want people I can need. Like her❤️. I never thought I would need her. But I do. If she were to leave me...I'd die. I'm in love with her. And tbh she's all I need. Yeah it sounds like my life revolves around her..but it's not. I just like talking about her :). I learned to trust. But I still don't go to people. My dad wasn't really there for me...he was. But when I needed him for stuff he didn't help. He would do it angrily. And I just stopped asking him. And learned myself. I taught myself hoe to play basketball. I taught myself to run fast and build stamina. I taught myself to swim. I even taught myself to read. I hate my parents. But I like that they try. But it's not good enough. But I can handle it. I honestly just wanna quit. But when I was in karate I learned something that changed my life. "Quiters never win, winners never quit! If you wanna quit you're quiting in yourself. So I choose to be a winner" that was our phrase. And when I'm mad that I can't do a dribble move I just say that in my head then relax and try again. If anything...that phrase was more of a father then my dad. So yeah.

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Liked by: luz ✨ .


Language: English