

Ask @AngeloAmoroso139

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What is the easiest grade and hardest in high school out of 9 10 11 and 12?

Don't ask me that I don't go to highschool

Tbh I don't really know you but we used to work together, you seem really nice and fun to be around! Snap me sometime!

rita10001’s Profile PhotoWho r u
Thank you:) add me angeloamorosoo
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Why doesn't Alexa face the facts that Daniel won't ever date her and she's used up ..who wants a girl that everyone has had and plus his family hates her😂😂😂😂 #giveupalexa

Shut the fuck up and come off anon

Tbh we use to be pretty close man idk what happened. We def gotta chill more this summer

For sure bro miss those days

Do you like it when a girl has a sense of humor or is it better if they're more serious??

Sense of humour

do you lose respect for girls that hook up with whoever? would you date a girl that's hooked up with alot of guys

The past is the past nothing you can really do about it, every person is gonna have hookups so it shouldn't really matter how many they have.
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What's more important a girl that's a good texter, snapchatter or talk in person/phone

I like all tbh, but having a phone convo feels like you guys are closer than if you would just text the person everyday

is it a turn off if ur girl hates or is annoyed with alotta people or whatever girl drama is not ur business so cud care less

Why is there so many turn off questions lately, ask is so boring now

Why is there a bunch of girls have instagram spam accounts and take really bad pics of themselves and post em?? I don't get it

Maybe because they don't care about what people think of them and wanna have some fun with their life instead of trying to look good for everyone all the time
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If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

Wolf of Wall Street


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