
Anisa ^.^

Ask @Anisa57

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I asked Sadiq how to say 'blobfish face' in German, which is... Kleckfishe Gesicht! <- my new catchphrase next to the A-HA A-HA!, prepare to get annoyed! Muahaha!

NOOOO! *_*

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Opinion on me *Klecksfische Gesicht*

Ew who are you?! I'm joking cousin! You're a nightmare to get along with but I have gotten used to you. You have cool but freaky personality. You be a BlobFish girl! XD (And what does the German mean?)

I'm sorry but if you have something to fucking say say it to my ask.fm or maybe even say it to my face,seriously you must be the biggest pussy going if you can't say shit to me,don't you care give my bestfriend hate about me,fair enough if no-one likes me,I don't like anyone myself,love you anisa!xx

Love you too boo!:*(& people do like you!x)

Rheanna treats you like shit why are you still mates wit her?noone likess her anyway

*With and*Likes. Learn how to spell. And Rheana does not treat me like shit. I'm friends with her because she isn't fake like most b*tches these days. I love her to pieces and she is my best friend. And people do like her so get your facts right my friend! :)

just ignore the hate, don't let them get to you they are pathetic and as rheanna says they will get crocs for Christmas, head high

Aw thank you! Who are you?xx

Its fine,I love you too baby Just pisses me off when you get hate,you're perfect some jealous fucks If you're the pussy giving anisa hate and you're reading this-i hate you and I hope you get crocs for christmas wrapped up in a burnt binbag and you're wifi breaks,solong bitchess:*xxxxxxxx

Aw haha you make my day babe!xxxxxxx
Liked by: Morg

Wouldn't it be funny if one of the fucktards hating, accidentally unticks anon lol

I would love that!

Who the fuck is giving my bestfriend hate?!how's Anisa a hoe?People do like her so get your facts right!she's not ugly she's beautiful and I mean that!how does she look slaggy?you're the one whose got nothing else better to do but give people hate.Leave Anisa alone.i hope your wifi breaks fools.

Aw thank you honey! xxxxxx
Liked by: Rheanaxxxx

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

It depends, are they douchebags or just nice people?

Which celebrities do you suspect are really aliens walking amongst us?

Oh I have too many to name.


Language: English