
Anna Iddison

Ask @AnnaIddison

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What motivates you to get up on Monday morning?

I'm a light sleeper doesn't take much for me to wake up, someone needs to say my name and I'm up and and starting the day
So don't think I have much motivation I just roller over and I'm up haha

what do you dream of or wish for more than anything?

One day I'd be a sports teacher or something as a child I've always loved sports and wanted to teach it especially basketball, basketball was my absolute favourite sport and have loved playing since primary school , if I could I'd most definitely reach that.
Liked by: Jake Reardon

How many hours do you sleep at night?

Barely any I'd say I have at least 5-6 hours the most I forgotten what a sleep in felt like.

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Are you happy with the amount of information in your head?

Not really I'd like to have more but the amount of information I have in my head it enough.

Do you prefer to answer questions or ask them?

I like to ask questions but I also like to answer some , if there not too personal I'd happily answer questions.
I'm a very curious person at times so I hope nobody gets suspicious of me when I'm asking questions but that's just me.

Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

Yes there can I have many male friends and not have any romantic attachment to them.
A male and a female can be friends just like any other friendships of the same gender I doesn't really matter what gender you are if you like someone as they are in a friendly way then i don't see an issue , but obviously some people get romantically attached it happens nothing can be done but I'm perfectly happy been friends with my male friends nothing more nothing less

What was your favorite subject in school?

Sport/P.E always loved been physically active. Always eager to get out on school play ground to play football with the lads primary school but in high school I sighed up for classes after school. Always loved playing sport and hope I will in the future.

Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

Depends on what it's about if it's small things then it's rather quickly but if it seriously I think about any possibility h so you try think about every way to solve the issue or whatever you're thinking about.

What countries would you travel to if you were to do a world trip?

I'd love to visit Spain , Alaska , Australia and many other counties

Have you ever played tennis?

Yes and I enjoyed it a lot I love to participate in many sports and tennis was one of them.

What does freedom mean to you?

Doing whatever you like whenever you like without regret and to my have someone stop you doing whatever you want
When I think of freedom I think of traveling , it would be pretty awesome to travel and specially with a friend or group of friends I reckon it would be magical to see how other cultures work and how other people live on daily bases.

What problems did you have in school?

There was an issue I faced almost everyday and that was my siblings reputation, I wasn't exactly goody two shoes or a rebel girl I had my good days and my bad but because of my siblings mischief in school everyday it effected me because teachers thought I'd be just like them so they didn't include me as much in classroom activities and speak rudely about me but when they realised I wasn't like them they treated me like any other student.

How fast do you fall asleep?

Depends how tired I am but recently no mater how tired I am I don't sleep for another hour or two.

Where is the scarcest place you have ever traveled to?

I'm not sure I'm not easily frightened to a lot of places actually enlighten me full me with excitement not an emotion based on been scared or get goosebumps or chills I'm hard to share I guess.

How would you change the world if you could?

First of all I'd help the world poor help get homeless people off the street help them rebuild their lives gets them a home and help them get jobs, That be first thing I'd do if i could and then try stop crimes but that's impossible , but in my eyes the world poor is the biggest problem right now and it needs solving.

can you flip it out to make it an outie? haha did you ever try?

Don't know ? And no I've never tried and don't plan to neither

indeed that would be epic hell yes could do some awesome things with that and i see i like that thank you kindly kick ass stuff-cool.

It would be epic to read minds aha your welcome

Do you think you've changed in the last year? In what way?

I do believe I have not mentally but physically but obviously in a good day

well i give off a wearied presences when i am around or maybe you have the power to read minds hell yes that would be awesome but just don't read mind ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha cool.

I wish I could read minds ? but I can't haha I just had a gut feeling it was you that's all haha


Language: English