

Ask @AnnaMoore591

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Tbh; you're my child ❤️ im gonna be a cosmologist so we'll have a nice house and lots of food and a bunch of cute little corgis ?❤️ i miss youuuuu so ft me soon asswipe! We're hanging out asapppp okay? Okay. Love you lotsss xo

makennaa0’s Profile Photo➰Makenna➰
Yes?? & yay, I can't wait to sleep on your couch! & ya ya ya, you'll come up soon, love you too☺️
Liked by: ➰Makenna➰

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Tbh; you're amazing and I miss you so much! We really need plans soon

Thanks T! I miss you too:(( as soon as I get my licence we can go on adventures ?

Tbh you're actually really chill to talk to, you're super nice! And i actually fucking love your eyes like omg!

Thank you darling! & thank you again, I grew them myself?


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