

Ask @Anonlove321

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Favorite sport? Do you play a sport? Hike or bike? Crunchy Cheetos or Cheeto Puffs? If you could get rid of money would you? One thing you think ruins people's lives the most? (Don't say money) Would you rather have Doritos or Pringles for the rest of your life? Favorite snack?

Favorit sport: Football
Do I play a sport: no
Hike or bike: hike
Crunchy Cheetos
Yes to donate
Don't have one
Liked by: Jasmin Reyes Torrian

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Worse fear? Favorite season? Dream job? (You'd b great at helping people) Are you like this towards people in real life? Outgoing or shy people? What do you look for in a friend? Favorite season? Dogs or cats? Dream car? Which college would you like to go to? Do you play in instrument?

Worse fear: don't have one
Dream job: don't know yet
Am I like this in real life: yes but not as much as I am on here
Out going or shy: both
Friend: caring, lovable, nice good influence and I could make a while novel on what I look for in a friend
Favorite season: fall
Dog or cats:dog
Dream car: don't have one
College: I don't really care
& no

When were you born? Where were you born? Where would you like to live? What race are you? Sexual orientation? Favorite color? Favorite food? Favorite animal? Celebrity crush? Day or night? Favorite app? Coke or Pepsi? Favorite movie? Favorite book? Favorite subject in school?

I was born in 2000 in Arkansas
Where would I like to live:Arkansas is fine
Favorite color:purple
Favorite food: pizza
Favorite animal: puppy
Celebrity crush: don't have one
Day or night: day
Favorite app:snapchat
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Favorite music: I like a lot
Favorite book: don't have one
Favorite subject: science
Liked by: Jasmin Reyes

Can you at least tell us facts about you. What you like and don't like where you were born and fun facts about yourself?

Well I guess if you guys ask me questions
Liked by: Jasmin Reyes

You're such an amazing person I want to know who are are because I'd love to get to know you as a person and not anon on kik

Awh thanks & sorry I'm not telling anyone who I am❤️
Liked by: Jasmin Reyes


Language: English