
Mr. RainbowKitty

Ask @AnonymousRainbowKitty

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I love you

I love you more than anything ever. please just propose already we already talked about proposing and you just won't do it. Please we need to get marriaged....NOW

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When was the last time you did something romantic for some ? What was it and who was it with?

yesterday this guy came up to me and grabbed my hand. I blushed and he took me for a walk down to the mall. we chatted and I giggled at all of his jokes then we walked into a quieter area and he looked me straight into the eyes. his eyes said it all. I knew what he wanted so licked his eye socket slowly until his eye slipped out of its socket like a slippery egg. I crunched down and drank the juices. Then I sucked his brain out of the socket that was a truly romantic experience :D
Liked by: Celeste Morin

What if they take it the wrong way and leave and that will make it worst

If they don't have the respect to stay when hearing the truth then it is not worth it...

How do you fix a broken heart? So broken that it shattered but the other person doesnt even know your broken

You can fix this by telling the other person and joy keeping it inside. by telling them you are letting them know that it does bother you and that it needs to be resolved and I cannot be taken care of if only one person knows it hurts you. confront them even if its hard. I believe you can ;)


Language: English