
Antaria Willis

Latest answers from Antaria Willis

Two people that flirt a lot and it's obvious that they like eachother?

Maybe.....Friends could flirt with each other and not really like each other. Some people can have a connection and be the bestest of friends and wont like each other. if they flirt every time their together then yes one/both of them have feelings for the other

In life, do you see yourself more of a bystander or are you more of a participant? Why?

I wanna say both. If im on a team like basketball ill be a participant. Other than that im a bystander, im antisocial, i dont like talking to people

If you somehow meet your ex , how would you treat to that?????

I would be nice, life's too short to hold grudges all the time

Would you like to stay young forever?

Honestly no, i want to grow up, travel with a bestfriend, get married.

What should happen for you to understand that you have to cancel your wedding?

My mom or dad or grandma died or was in an accident

Language: English