

Ask @AppropriateYak

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Best way to prank someone? 😈

I wouldn't know. Maybe tricking them into thinking something is broke and keep them going about it for a day. Then when they're about to totally lose their shit, drop it on them that it's not really broken. Do it from a safe distance and watch the meltdown unfold before your eyes.
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Why dont you cut your hair?

I get it cut when it starts covering my ears. I'm passed due for one actually, I'm just being lazy.

If u love someone and it has been almost one year and they r changing with u ? Is that a bad sign? Or it’s normal?

Some change is normal. I would say it depends on what kind of change we are talking about.

What are you known for in your family/friends? ?

Figuring shit out. People always be calling me for help or questions about something. I think I'm my one friend's therapist 🤣

Why do people loose their interest?

Idk, maybe things stop being fun? Try something new with that person. Bring some fun back and see what happens.

What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?

In order of importance, attitude, looks,and money I care least about. It's all about attitude and personality with me mostly 😌

Everyone has Christmas time traditions, do you guys have Halloween traditions though?

We go trick or treating

Who is the most closest friend that knows everything about u?

Not even my closest friend Chris knows everything about me

Do you remember any of these old TV Shows? if so which ones? Dennis the Menace(1950s) Small Wonder(80s) Punky Brewster(80s) Gimme A Break(80s) You can't do this on Television(80s) Rescue 911(90s) Unsolved Mysteries(80s)

Civicboy13’s Profile PhotoEric L
Only one I don't recognize is small wonder. I used to watch all the rest lol
Liked by: Eric L


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