

Ask @Archangel96

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Where you do not mind waiting?

Can't help but feel this question is worded wrongly...but to answer it, at home.

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

That's basically every night, so I sit up and watch Supernatural or write for a while.

Do you remember your first day at school?

Yeah, we basically didn't do anything, we just sat about and played with chalk boards and whatnot, though I think my teacher did read the class a little story before we wen't home.

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

By sending them pictures of ducks...I don't know, act like an idiot and do stupid things to try and make them laugh. Or by simply just talking to them and pointing out the good things that have come from their situation.
Liked by: Lord Minimus

What do you want right now?

Sleeeeeeeep. And my bloody tablet to charge properly. And for tomorrow to be over already.

How far in advance do you prefer to plan?

Pfft, I plan what I want to do the day before I do it. As you can see, I don't plan very well.

Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?

50/50, I've got a dog and cats and they would kill me if I chose a side.


Language: English