

Hur ser en fräsig effektpedal ut?

Google var inte till mycket hjälp(se bild) :<
Några fräsiga pedaler jag gärna hade sett vid min förstärkare:
* VHT Melo Verb
* Mooer Ana Echo
* Artec Vintage Phase Shifter
* Vox Wah eller Dunlop CryBaby
* Electro Harmonix B9 Organ Machine
* Electro Harmonix Ravish Sitar
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Latest answers from AREKU

What is the sportswear you like??

The proper attire for playing chess! Not sure which brands that may include thou...

Which movie you could watch 24/7 and why?

Actually no movie, since I have a hard time to even watch one regularly.
But that answer won't probably do, so I'll say A Clockwork Orange or The Godfather.

What was the worst thing you've ever lived in your life?

I believe that any "worst thing" haven't happened yet.

do you have any regret in your life?

Of course there's things I might have done differently, but overall I regret nothing.
There's no time for regret.

Language: English