

Don't know how i should start this but... can you give some advices against selfharm? I know, it's a stupid question.

It's not a stupid question, not at all. Self harm is a serious matter.
I'm assuming that you're a self-harmer and want to quit?
It's quite hard to give all the advice's I want to give, in one reply, but here goes:
First of, do you have anyone you can talk with about it? Just talking can help alot.
Think about why you're selfharming - what do you want to feel, and instead of what?
There are numerous ways you can express feelings - harming yourself is only one.
Many of my friends who have selfharmed tried to replace it with a rubberband around their wrist, that they would snap when they felt the urge to cut, and it helped many of them to later on quit.
Find something to replace the selfharm with - paint, scrabble pieces of paper, build with lego, exercise, there is numerous way to deal with different kind of emotions.
This page tells a bit more about many of the things I've mentioned:
And if you need to talk, add me as a friend on Facebook.
I know how tough it can be.
I wish you the best in the world anon, keep fighting.
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Of course there's things I might have done differently, but overall I regret nothing.
There's no time for regret.

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