

Ask @Arekusandaa

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Vilket är ditt favoritdjur?

Svårt att välja enbart ett, så du får nöja dig medplural:
Katt, sköldpadda, hund, orm och häst, de varo väl de som kvalar högst.

Tycker du om att titta på hockey? Och är det något särskilt lag som finns i ditt hjärta? (SHL har ju börjat, måste ha lite koll c; )

Inte riktigt. Sporterna i mitt hjärta är duell i gryningen, schack och debatt!
Men det är rätt kul att spela hockey i goda vänners lag, eller bandy för den delen. Skall jag välja ett lak, får det bli Leksand (av nostalgins skulle) eller Rödhökarna från Malmö, av mitt påbrå. :)

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If you were given lots and lots and lots of money, what would you spend it on?

Kayla M
Building the home-studio of my dreams, building my mausoleum, make sure that my family and friends never will lack money to live, get a motorcycle, and then use a lot of the money to tour the world with my band. Give money to charity.
And buy myself a real life, living Squirtle.

someone you can't stand XD

Narrow-minded persons, who's lacking interest for itself or the humanity, never striving forward but instead look down on others, and that are uneducated slobs without proper manners and a sense for etiquette.

You would look so hot with a lip piercing *.* But well, it's your own decision whether to get one or not, so... ^^

Oh, I would be foxy as hell with a lip-piercing, no doubt about it!
But first I want to FEEL that I want one. ^^
Liked by: Alisha Hardin

Would you ever get a facial piercing? I mean, not just on your ears, as you already have :)

I've thought of getting a facial piercing a lot. If I would get one, it would be in the lower lip, left side.
But since I've been thinking of it since 2009, and was near getting one 2011, but didn't, I do not believe I'm THAT interested in getting one. So, until further: I will keep adding piercings to my ears instead. ^^

Alice Molin är kär i dig!

Det gör hon rätt i!
Däremot är jag redan i ett förhållande med mig själv, och polygami är inte min symfoni!
Liked by: ida kaiser

yOU aND k sEEM tO bE vERY cLOSE aRE yOU 2 dATING ?

Did you crash into the caps-lock?
Nope, we're just good friends.

Why did you name your band The Arekusandaa Project?

To answer that, we have to go back to early/mid 2011.
The Arekusandaa Project was originally the name under which I would collect all of my art (not only music). Later on when I started searching for support-members, so that I could begin to play my music live, it was under that name. So the band became TAP, and I continued to release my arts besides that, under my own name.

VAR DU PÅ KODACHICON?! Varfår såg jag inte dig?!

Nej, det var jag inte. Jag brukar bara gå på konvent om mit band spelar där, eller för att möta andra musiker som spelar.


Language: English