

Ask @ArianaBurrell

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If you could instantly speak any language in the world, what would it be?

german :3 then i could talk to the international students without confusing them.
if you speak their language, your speaking to their heart

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Would you rather be a 200ft tall giant for a day or be 5 inches tall for a day? What would you do with that day?

id be five inches and sneak into peoples houses and steal their CDs and earrings
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Post a picture of your shoes!

this is one of a pair! i painted them both :3
i don't take pictures of shoes often so this pic is so fetus i cant even
Liked by: Keshav Mohan

Are you Voldemort's lover??

:O how did you know, i mean we've been going out for quite a while now, i guess that would mean yes. but i'm not his lover.... he is mine ;)
Liked by: Mad As Madi


Language: English