
Arlean Galbraith

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If you had a baby would you want it to be a boy or a girl? What would you name it?

Sorry this is like a month late reply :s but if I had a kid I would want a boy child because boys seem to be less of a hassle when they get older, like in the teen years, less temperamental and bitchy and just more layed back then girls when they get to that age, I really don't know what is name it, it would depend on the person I'm having the child with or the person raising it with me, and what the child seems like yakno?
Liked by: Arlean

There is a girl I have liked for a long time and she knows who I am but the Only time we would ever hang out is when I'm hanging with my boy and he is with his girl. she is so pretty and I have always wanted to ask her out or at least be better friends I would wait forever for her. What do I do. Plz

Ahh I'm so sorry! You asked this like 3 months ago :/ it's just i never go on this account -.- if you ever need anything go to my other account http://ask.fm/arleangalbraith :3 but okay so I'm still gonna give my opinion just incase you feel the same way, hopefully you were able to get out of that place for better or worse but if you guys only hang out when you're with your friend and he's with his girl then why don't you try talking to her just like not as a group, and maybe if things go well ask her to hang out one on one someday, what I mean by talking to her in the group but not as a group is like if your guy friend is talking to his girl talk to this girl you like if she's beside you or some where you won't have to talk across the other people, just try talking to her, things might turn out good :) again I'm so sorry for the late reply -.- I feel terrible ugh but you can contact me on the other account, I'm always logged in

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I feel like no one likes me and everyone wants to be away from me. Have you ever felt like this? What did you do?

I have felt like that before and what I suggest you do is don't let it get to you, try making new friends or just meeting new people. What makes you think they don't wanna be around you? I'm sure not everyone wants to be, it might just seem that way for reason I cant really explain.

what are your thoughts on abortion

Picture this , girl get pregnant, young age, boy leaves, no family suport. Keeps child, child born, always hunry, always cold, always sad. Grows up for a long time like this and ends up in a horrible place because started growing up in pain and bitterness so turns to drugs, sex and grows into audly hood fucked up. , this is the path that would most likl, yea there might be the odd one that grows up thinking other thoughts and makes something out of their life but we have enought humans, I don't like humans so I don't care, in some senarrios its better to just waititll yoour ready insead of taking it into the world misserable and vbeing stuck woth it or leaving it some wherey

Nah it's fine, don't stress yourself out. Just heard about her and didn't know what was up. And I don't really know who you are I just asked you because I saw that you were ranting to Bon Romp about the subject... Don't freak out...

I know. And idk how to explain who she is? She's a girl, idk

No, no I was on people's ask.fm and I kept on hearing about her and stories have been floating around and I just wanted to what's up...

Thiis bis fuckling sick and ridiculose. People are treating it as if its all just a story. It makes me want to cry how bad people are at respecting the hurt people. Its sickening. I'm not telling you anything. Its pathetic. Its rape bot a fucking tickle fight, RAPE. Taking their vifrginity un grantedly, forcully, painfully. You cry the whole time and bit hurts so much, bit sucks the life bout of you and at that moment and for even years later you just want to die. This bis more thenbjust a story. Bim fucking done. Leave

Please tell me who this Paulina girl is, please...

Shes a girl whos been threw fucking hell and deserves every ones kindness and appriciation. She doesnt deserve the shit she goes threw. If you are the one calling her a slut because she gets raped then you sir, maam are a rude person and i dont want you to ever talk to me again anon or not. I dont live where she does but i know shes a broken girl trying to make it threw and she very kind hearted under neath.

why would someone want to cut them self nobody should have to fill that bad to resort to that people these days making fun of people i'm really sick and tired of it like no joke those people are rude and just plain douches i for one would never make someone hurt that bad to do something that drastic

Micheal Mcglynn
Some people just dont understand the true pain behind cutting.or just dont gi e a fuck.about.anyone else but.them.selves. Its sad to think there are people out there that cruel
Liked by: Micheal Mcglynn

Yes I have cut before I currently have cuts on my arm and well people are coming to my face and telling me to kill myself and callig me a freak and yeah I lost my best friend by me cutting myself and she called me a attention whore and yeah it made me feel worse.

What school do ya go to, and those people are pathetic, you are so much better then them i dont blame yoi for cutting, so many people find comfort in a blade esspecially when people are going around acting like that, thats a pathetic and stupid choice. your "bestfriend" doesnt deserve you, if shes going to lave you alone in the dark and give up everything you.guys have had because you're hurting.to much to handle then shes not your bestfriend. i know its hard lossing a best friend as well, its happened to me and o.missed talkong.to.her so.much and being able to say hi to her when ever because it felt wrong doing it that feeling wont go away on its own but you need to realize shes not.that good of a best friend if she did that to you and didnt think about it that much, i cant believe what people are doing to you at school they are making the monsterouse chooses and its disgusting, you cant listen to them tho, life goes on yes the pain is bad but yoi will find something or someone who makes it all worth it, you are atill younge and have a life full of possibilities for you, there is nothing yoi cant do that.any one else around you cant do

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Hi you know me pretty well we don't talk much anymore but I just lost my bestfriend I feel so depressed and feel so bad to cut idk I just need advice or hel school is a fucking desaster I can't really take it anymore I kinda wanna take my life.

Who are you and have you ever cut before? Tell me more about how school is a disaster. Ive been where you ate several times and ive tried, i always fail but i can tell you this, every time ive tried theres always been a part in my life worth living after. A time where im glad i didnt, it might take a while, most of the time i dont even think its worth it. Heres a tip, 89 percent of the stuff that happends at high school, once we leave high school.or school we dont even remember half the shit, could you tell me a little more so i can pin point it a little better

you new ??

No, i made one, then made a differant one and stopped using this one and decided to start using this one again but wanted to make it a helping one :3

I've made a account for advice, if you have any problems in life that you just want to talk to someone about but dont quite know who, im always here and no one will know who it is because you can go on anon or not, I just want to help. Im pretty good with help if you ask me :s and I will never judge

Arlean Galbraith
Follow me and start talking, its good to let it all out

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