
Armin Ibrisagic

So, the admin (you) of GS FB page just ask the followers about what they want to see in GS. Does it means you and your team just making a new patch? I thought you and your team developer did it a long time ago (at slower pace). And will checking low physics in option will reduce lag rate? Thank you!

Yeah, we're working on some new content right now. We've been working on it for a couple of months, but we can always use new ideas, if they're good and don't take too much time to implement. So if you have a good idea for an easter egg or a mutator, send us a suggestion!
Yeah, checking low physics will lower the lagspikes you get when knocking into several props at the same time.

Latest answers from Armin Ibrisagic

Are you looking for any environmental artists or 3D Modellers? I'm really interested in your company and would love to work with you! Your humor (judging by your website) seems lovely and I feel I would fit right in :)

Glad you're interested! We just recruited some new artists this summer, so I don't know when we'll be recruiting again. You should bookmark our website and check back once in a while :)

Can I be (and/or is it possible and/or it’s an available job) a QA video game tester for Coffee Stain Studios, please.

Sure, go to our web page and make an application.

Do you plan to make more updates for Goat Simulator? Not the new DLC, but just the normal game?

You mean add things to the original map? Not really, we're pretty happy with the vanilla game as it is right now.

When did coffee stain start making games?, and is goatsim the first game you have made?

itameio’s Profile PhotoItameio
Actually, Coffee Stain has been around since 2010. Check out Sanctum and Sanctum 2 on Steam if you want to see other cool stuff we've done :)

In Goat City Bay, there was a "bug" that when you press respawn, the player goes to the place where Player 2 spawns. However, since PAYDAY, this isn't the case anymore. Why did you fix a non-lethal bug in this game? D=

Haha, I actually have no idea! I guess one of our programmers might have optimized some other part of the code and that "bug" happened to disappear. Hopefully you'll still be able to have fun with the game, even though we eliminated a bug on accident.

When will the next update be for Goat Simulator: Xbox 360 and what will it be?

I can't say exactly, but what I can say is that it'll be awesome.

And um, what is the name of the song your team use for Baguette goat? I extremely like that even Beguette goat moves too slow and immune to gravity damage. I ask you last time but you seem miss it. :)

Haha I actually have no idea, its just some song that our sound guy put in right before we updated the game

Your team render "the Enforcer" so nice. Will he/she remains awesome in-game? :3

yes, of course! and thank you :D

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