
Arya Machdi

Will you be going on hiatus?

As much as I don't like it, high school has been giving me a lot of work and sometimes, I don't have time to write any fanfics.
I also wanted publish my original work like poems and short stories online via WordPress and other website, so I'll only be on a temporary fanfic-hiatus until I have the proper time and motivation!

Latest answers from Arya Machdi

Gapapah plzplz apa susahnya nyebut tipe cewek:(:(:(

Ya tp kan ini gak tau siapa yang nanyaaa

Which movie do you think is overrated?

tho it was actually a pretty entertaining movie
it's too overplayed everywhere, like srsly

I love your new fanfic - Animals . I can't wait for the next chapter~ One question, is it smut?

Yup, it's smut!

Language: English