
Arya Machdi

whats your opinion on Jessica leaving or getting kicked out of SNSD

We were all torn and heartbroken by the news, and Jessica clearly stated that she didn't want any of this to happen and she was also shocked about the sudden news from SM. It's unfair, really, but I will continue to support SNSD. No matter what.
Once a sone, always a sone.

Latest answers from Arya Machdi

Gapapah plzplz apa susahnya nyebut tipe cewek:(:(:(

Ya tp kan ini gak tau siapa yang nanyaaa

Which movie do you think is overrated?

tho it was actually a pretty entertaining movie
it's too overplayed everywhere, like srsly

I love your new fanfic - Animals . I can't wait for the next chapter~ One question, is it smut?

Yup, it's smut!

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