
Ashraff Nazrin

can you tell me about syiah? i need the answers in detail.

Syiah doesn't have their faith to three of the four khaleefa after prophet saw died. They only believe in Saidina Ali r.a. They kill sunni because in their faith, it is not wrong to kill who is not have the same thought with them. I'm sorry, I can't explain it in very detail way like you asked for it but I have an article. Unfortunately it's in Bahasa Melayu. I can give the link if you understand malay.

Latest answers from Ashraff Nazrin

Tergelak dalam solat, takboleh henti gelak. Solat sah idak?

Tak sure. Fuhh, lama gila tak jawab. Jari macam malas je nak tekan kotak question tu. Even dah intai banyak kali memang ada soalan.

do you know what worth fighting for? when it's not worth dying for... [?]

This is not karaoke box.

its ok.. masih ade 20 hari baki ramadhan.. bile dah tahu kat mane kurg..now, we need to plan the way to overcome the lack... ok? god luck in whatever u do.. LAALLAKUM TATTAQUN.. "moga2 kamu bertaqwa" =D

Thanks :)

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