

Ask @AsmaKhadraoui

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najoua cherrati! u forgot me! :p

haha! yal ghzali dyali :D sorry maareftkch! your questions are anonymous that why!

What is matrakazech barcha? :/ ... And ya the eyes, I tried looking, they are unfathomable ... Makes it more sexy when you can't figure out what is intended!

Keep on trying..

Weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?

Can't answer this, my whole life aslan is getting weirder every day.

You eyes are deep, what mysteries are you hiding behind ?

look deep into my eyes then and figure it out yourself.

Original and that Ying-Yang --- And those pearls in the background. You love pearls?

Honey, matrakazech barcha.
Yes, I do.

Well, that's a bold statement. We don't know each other. I find it hard even to discover myself. So? :)


Well, I read hearts. As for your feeling, how much do you trust your gut? And I believe when Walt Whitman said, 'Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.'

We know each other.
How well do we know each other? manarefch

Impressive. I love when Emily Dickinson said, "They might not need me; but they might. I'll let my head be just in sight; a smile as small as mine might be precisely their necessity." Amen to that!

Do you read minds? *-*
and do I know you?
I have a feeling that I do.

Thank you :D what if I'm smart but I don't get straight As, but I'm sure I can get a great SAT score? And will my school results decrease my chances of getting to a good college?

Grades are important, but extracurricular activities also matter. So, it's not a must to have the best grades ever to apply to good scholarships.

Well I guess every human brain is impressive and everyone is gifted. It's just that some people never open their package :) ... Tell me your favorite poets?

yaajbouni barcha Walt Whitman w Emily Dickinson-

I don't know who you are but I'll find you and I'll kill you! *Deep Voice* :D - Someone who sent a message for you on FB :D and since im not in your friend list the message will not be in the inbox it will be in Other :) Thats why i asked you to check that. And Pls dont kill me :D

الاسم الكريم?
I have more than 78 messages in the Other.

ti mak jawebt 3la 5ra questionnat lkol ya sayeb sala7 !!!

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