
Astoria Lilia Greengress

Ask @AstoriaLiliaGreengress

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Have you ever truly loved someone?

Yes. I have. Three times in my life I've truly truly loved someone. They're all gone now though.

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Any advice about first interview?💔😩

A first interview? Be yourself. As someone who employs ridiculous amount of people every year, I'd rather employ someone who need a bit of training if they're a decent person

What frustrates you the most?

I hate it when people give me hope and then disappear. You know those people who sweep into your life and form a bond with you that you just learn to see as a rotund in your life and then they rip it away for no reason.

What makes you crazy mad?

People who are users. People who manage to manipulate you into believing there is something special between the you both, like nobody will ever see you the same as they do. But they don't really see you like that - they just have a mask on.

Do we become happy only when we meet the one we love?

You have to become happy before you fall in love. Otherwise the love is tainted just like everything else.
Liked by: Drayhco Noir

How can you tell that someone is lying?

People's eyes change when they lie. In different ways of course, but it's always in the direction of the eye
Liked by: Drayhco Noir

If someone did something terrible and told you about it, what would you do? Be their friend or judge?

It depends what the terrible thing was. Likelihood yes, id stick by them because I've done a lot of terrible things in my life.

How do men understand ‘romance’?

They don't, not as an entire concept. They understand it as a forced moment that gets them sex if they do it well enough.
Liked by: Drayhco Noir

"Clarification - do we learn from our mistakes or is it a new and improved relationship?" I have bloody no idea. Entirely up to you, ma'am.

But that affects how I answer the question! Ok, I'll give both.
If we manage to learn from our mistakes I'd have to go back to Fred. We had our issues personally but I think if we sorted those out then we would have been really really happy.
If we didn't learn and it was the same relationship...that's harder. I suppose Theo? Just because I was the problem rather than our relationship and I think I could have lived with that.


Language: English