
The Queen

Akak, ade gmbr gmbr lama saye yg kat dlm fb tak boleh nak delete lah kak. Mcm kat cover photos tu. Gmbr tu ade lah nmpk aurat tgn/kaki sikit sbb mase tu saye jahil lagi. Camne ni kak?

Hmm, kalau boleh pakat dengan kawan kamu suruh report gambar tu, selagi aurat kita terdedah di internet selagi itu amalan kita susah untuk medapat kekhusyukan. Tapi bukan ke cover photos boleh delete? :o
Liked by: Aiman Amani
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Latest answers from The Queen

What will you do if your parent lie to you.

I would actually approach and ask them why are they lying to me. There must be a reason behind everything that happens.

Language: English