
The Queen

HAHAHA! No wonder. kenal sangat la dieorg. satu bilik dgn diorg mse saya form 2 dlu. diorg form 3.. hahaha. mse form 1 dlu dok asrama ke?

Haahh yes kecik betul dunia ni kan? Hehe. Tak, tak duduk asrama sebab tak minat and lagipun tak sama dengan gaya belajar saya, saya belajar pelik sangat and rasanya tak ramai buat mcm ni -.-" Sebab tu tak duduk asrama
Liked by: ♧ EiRFAN™ ♧
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Latest answers from The Queen

What will you do if your parent lie to you.

I would actually approach and ask them why are they lying to me. There must be a reason behind everything that happens.

Language: English