
Psycho Girl

Ask @Ayarousia

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هل تعتقد أن الناس يستحقون فرصة أخرى؟

Fool me once, shame on u
Fool me twice , shame on me.
so, u can give ppl only second chance and nothing more
Liked by: D7 jumana

هل تود الخروج في موعد مع شخص التقيته على شبكة الانترنيت ؟

Nope. nothing personal. they r just internet friends nothing more nothing less
Liked by: D7

♥░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░♥ ♥░░▓░░░░░░▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░▓░░░░░░░▓▓▓░░░♥ ♥░░░▓░░▓░░░▓▓░░▓░▓░▓░░░░░▓░░░▓░░▓░░░░░♥ ♥░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░♥ ♥░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░♥ ♥░░░░░▓░▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▓░▓░░░░░░░♥

Abdulmajeeddd’s Profile PhotoAbdulmajeed
3eed Sa3eed =3
Liked by: jumana

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Eid question > do you usually get dressed for someone special to get him attention ?!

Timo0on’s Profile Photoأحمد
Nope. like i care ;p hahaha
maybe 2 mom so i make her praise me and such ... childish work hmm
Liked by: أحمد

What would you love to do in a rainy day?! 

SaRa757’s Profile PhotoSarah
having a hot chocolate drink while staring at the rain , and if i'm in the middle of the rain i would love 2 dance salsa ;p
Liked by: Sarah ani8

do you let yourself to drink from the same glass that people do ?!

Timo0on’s Profile Photoأحمد
No .... i feel weirdo if i do so , i have these pervy thoughts ewwww >< lol ;p

why do men fall in love more quickly than women ?

Timo0on’s Profile Photoأحمد
...i thought that works for the opposite gender that women fall in love quickly than men!
however, if men fall in love more quickly than women .. i think caz they need a soft gentle soul 2 be in their side ... if u know wt i'm saying!
for example , if a man is sad ... and he feel so gloomy , he don't need a man touch , but a women touch ;p
i think i messed up the explanation -.-" oh well

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 25, give me line 20 :P

SaRa757’s Profile PhotoSarah
hmmmm the closest book page 25 line 20
the book so small so the line 20 will be at page 26 ;p
let see ..
Appliance:- Something a man gives his wife for her birthday to none too subtly indicate that sexual spark between them is horribly , irretrievably gone>
that's it ;p
the book name is :- The official dictionary pf SARCASM
By James Napoli
in case u wonder lol ;p
Liked by: Sarah

سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر

سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
Liked by: Δ

how do you spend time in planes ? *.*

itzJ’s Profile Photojumana
drawing the planes , put examples for the plans ;p test it ;p then booom ;p !!
takes hours on each for a perfect ones *.*
Liked by: jumana Δ

if you liked someone and he does not care at all and you gave up for being silent and you told him and he said i thought you were lesbian, how are you gonna prove it for him that you are not ?! :Pp :$

SaRa757’s Profile PhotoSarah
u asked me that before sweety ;p i'll paste it here
if you liked someone and he does not care at all and you gave up for being silent and you told him and he said i thought you were lesbian, how are you gonna prove it for him that you are not ?! :Pp :$ sara
i'm gona kill that person and search for another 1 ;p
and for the provident , i don't need 2 prove it when he dies lol ;p
Liked by: Δ Sarah perfectN

في مرة وصلتو لمرحلة قلتو فيها لأنفسكم " أهجدوا بس يمدحون الركادة " .. ؟ *=)*

itzJ’s Profile Photojumana
يب ... وخصوصا مع وحده مخلوقة مزعجه صغيره ( بنت خالتي ) اهيا الوحيده اللي اتطلع قروني -.-
Liked by: jumana Δ

وشً فيك كذا تري تالحركات حرااام كانك ايمو او ما شابه اتقي الله واقري القراءن واستغفري وتوبي ترى ما بقي من العمر شي وقربة القيامه توبه باب التوبه مفتوحه في اي وقت بس إذا فات الموت تتحسفين والله الله يهديك بس

أنا آمن بربي
أنا أقرا القران
أنا أصلي
أنا أصوم
أنا أسوي كل اللي يرضيه ربي ...
وطريقة كلامي بالأسألة أو الأجوبة مو شرط أنها تعكس شخصيتي صج ... يمكن أنا عكس كل اللي انت\ي تعتقدينه ..
تخيلي كل الناس تسأل أسألة عادية , وجاوبها عادي ورسمي .. يعني بصراحه شي ممل ... فعلشان أضيف حق نفسي كنوع من الحركة والأكشن على قولتهم ... قررت أنه اجاوب بهالطريقة وبهالأسلوب .
people would think that i'm psycho maniac girl !
but maybe i'm actually a shy innocent girl ;p
and maybe not ! ;p
u can't be too sure now can u hehehe
شكرا على رايج وأحترمه وايد ^^ والله يصلح ناس وايد ^^ بس هذا طريقتي For my own tasty fun ;p

have you ever tried to put yourself in the position of a deaf or a blind person for a whole day? few hours at least ? how did it feel ?

itzJ’s Profile Photojumana
yeah .... it felt so lonely .... =)
Liked by: jumana Δ


Language: English