

Ask @Aznbubz04

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When you are in trouble, whom do you call for help?

My mommy cuz she's my bestie 5 ever why am I getting so many robot questions
Liked by: Rahul

W: we should chill next weekend E: duh R: broke my scale fat ass;)<3 K: both :D

Yussssss we should :) for sure:) aha ;) glad I did;) okeeey <3
Liked by: Rahul

im literally still dying from that but ya weve had so many good times and so many memories and i hope that there'll be a lot more this year:) if we dont go to the same high school we gotta stay in touch bbg. anyways ily more than i love nagadia which is a lot;)) stay perf bby<3 thanks for everything

Aha yeaaaah:') so many memories omg Ikr it'll be so sad at grad D:LOOOL yeah omfg nagadia ;) LOOL we need to find a new name she ain't pissed no more D: aha no thank you ;) <3
Liked by: Rahul

we twin with everything holy shit i swear like everything. we have at least 5 twinning things :P so yeah boys ;) i think that sums it all up;);) ew yashdick XD but yeah your perf and ur my leafs buddy so thats pretty cool and mama was so omfg idk how we watched that it was so scary

Ikr omfg even for our periods :') aha yes;) LOOL yeah get over him omfg he's so ugh omfg -_- but if u really like him dw ill help ;) I got this bro :') yaaaah leafs FTW;D OMFG THE MAMA WALK BAHAHAHAHAHAH I DIED
Liked by: Rahul

your always there for me when i need you and you give me great advice and you put up with all my shit :D your nice af and so freaking pretty ur perf holy shit and jks and chill and fun to be around and we always have a good time :) we hung out a lot this summer and yeah it was really fun:)

Aha always have always will <3 ik u would do that for me :) aha awwww<3 aha right back atcha;)yeah it was :)
Liked by: Rahul

T: ah tbh k this is gonna take up like 10 questions but leggo. so we started off as eh i guess friends then we hated each other and now were best friends o.o i honestly dont even know how the hell it happened but im glad af that it did cuz your such a great friend like i cant even explain :P

Awww <564758696338 ily
Liked by: Rahul

Dear cass. You have a cute eyes. If we were in a room together I would noe u better. Me and u shud talk more. If u hugged me I would hug u back. If u kissed me I would, we'll u won't reach anyways. You are PRETTY. Fill in the blank for likers

Armaan Gill
Aww thanksssss Armani boo <3 LOL yep okey:)
Liked by: Depali Sharma Rahul


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