
Bernardus Christian

Ask @BChristianto

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I thought that by this time in my life, I'd...

Become a priest.. Ohh well.. Life is crazy like that..

fill in the gaps below: whenever i am feeling low, i look around me and i know. .......


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Tbh.. One enthusiastic girl with full of potential to excel. She's one bubbly girl who never fails to bring joy in others' life. Keep smiling.. Remember, you're blessed.


Lactic Acid day due to Cheer camp and KR Dance audition yesterday. So just staying at my bed for almost the whole day. Haha but yeahh this shirt is not bad!!
Liked by: Stefanie Rikie

tbh me 👀

Clara Adelia.
Clara is one of the kind elder sister in Stemma. She's really nice to others, and actively help others who are in need. Keep up the good work!! I'll see u during retreat again in the future yaaa..
Liked by: Clara Adelia.

mau tbh juga ko bennn!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Tbh.. A sweet and gentle sister. Thank you for being a kind elder sister to all youngers sisters and brothers in Stemma ya. One great thing is the fact that you are really patient and mature when talking with others. Keep smiling juga, you're blessed!! =)

Tbh :)

Stefanie Rikie
Tbh.. An awesome sister and blessed daughter.. I can't imagine how u can keep up with vince everyday hahaha *thumbs up* ohh, and it's cool that u can do horseback riding.. Suave!! Keep it up, keep smiling, you're blessed..
P.S. Jangan malu" lagi kalo disuruh ngomong di depan anak" ya.. Harus lebih brani 😏😏😏
Liked by: Stefanie Rikie

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

Singapore 1927.. And I'm sure you know who I want to be 🌚🌚🌚

kak pernah dipanggil pantat winnie the pooh ya waktu SD??

Yeahh.. Then the winnie de pooh got into Canisius College and bcome slimmer. Then the winnie de pooh went to Sg to study, and bcome buff.. Bcoming that ass is not that bad. 🌚🌚🌚


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