
Bailey Jackart

Latest answers from Bailey Jackart

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

Stop meowing

Would you ever date someone younger than you?

I am supposed be in grade 11, so I guess to an extent

What can spoil your day?

A) sleeping through my alarm
B) no milk for cereal
C) mornings in general

is there anyone you know where you're in awe by their appearance or by their personality?

Aha this is so weird. But the answer is always Jared Armstrong. Always.

Are hinting that you're into kinky fire sex? Cause that would be pretty HOT

It's the way I roll.

What is the most played song in your music library?

I'm pretty sure it's Sex on fire by Kings of Leon... Awkward

Language: English