
Bailey Phelps

Ask @Bailey_breeanna24

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I find it funny that you like my one response I was being sexist towards females

Franksfolife’s Profile PhotoSamm
I think the whole sexist concept is stupid, like who cares girls say sexist stuff all the time but it's only counted as sexist if a guy says it, it's stupid.

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Why do you think like that? Anyone with eyes could see that you are gorgeous, any guy would be lucky to have a girl half as beautiful as you are!(:

Good joke(;

If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

Obviously I would choose the movie in time and be the bitch Sylvia so I could make out with Justin fucking Timberlake all the time and yah know have an adventurous life..(:

What do you consider a date?

I don't know I just don't think a guy or girl should have to spend a lot of money on a date unless it's like an anniversary I think that it's okay to go somewhere as simple as the beach and have just as much fun if not more then a fancy restaurant.


Language: English