
Bailey Lance

Ask @Bailey_lance

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TBH: Bailey. I don't even know where to begin. We aren't that close. And that's sad :( but you are such a role model in everything. I look up to you every day :) You are absolutely stunning. I wish I looked like you! You are so sweet and an amazing cheerleader. You are an amazing person ❤️

You are the sweetest. Oh my word. Thank you SO much Delaney!

Hi Bailey. So I just wanted to tell you that you are such a role model. You are such a good example to everyone. I wish I could be you. You are absolutely stunning. I look up to you everyday. I hope we have classes together next semester sober can be closer. You are an amazing cheerleader :)

Oh my word. Thank you so much Delaney! This means a lot to me. You are so sweet to everyone. And SO gorgeous. You have set an amazing example for me. Thank you for everything!(:

Tbh- bailey you are so perfect in every way! You are so gorgeous and nice to everyone around you! I love sitting by you in English and you always seem to have a smile on your face! :D you have such a great personality and can make anyone smile! I love you dearly! and we should hang sometime! Luv ya!

Cambria Siddoway
Cambria Siddoway I love you so freakin much. You are the most hilarious, sweet, gorgeous and perfect girl in the world. We definitely need to hang out! I love youuuuuu.(:

Tbh~I look up to you so much! Your testimony was the one that made me want to share mine and it strengthened mine too! I'm so glad I'm getting to know you better! You're so sweet and gorgeous and perfect and such a good cheerleader.

{Andie Farley}
I absolutely adore you. You are such a sweetheart. Thank you SO much. You're an amazing example to me and many others. You're gorgeous inside and out. I am so glad I have the chance to know such an amazing girl.(: Thank you so much for everything!

Hi. Well I want to tell you that you are the most amazing person I have ever met and your are gorgeous both inside and out. I love you to death Bay. I'm so thankful to have you as one of my best friends. If the world was full of people like you then it would be perfect.

Olivia Hicks
You honestly just made my day. Thank you so much Liv. You are the sweetest and most gorgeous girl ever. Thank you for always being there for me and making me laugh. I love youuuuu.

Top 10 things you're thankful for

1. My hilarious, crazy, and loving family.
2. My amazing friends who have gotten me through all the hard times
3. Blankets
4. The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints
5. My bed (because I love my sleep)
6. To have two amazing parents who show me the marriage I want someday
7. My two little sisters. They may drive me insane but I'd be lost without them.
8. My big brother. We may fight the most, but he's been through a lot. He's always been someone I can go to for anything and I love him.
9. My doggy, Lola
10. And last but definitely not least, to have Easton Bearnson in my life. He's been there for me every step of the way and has made me a better person in every aspect. (:


Language: English