
Bailey Ferris

what if your crush said they was gonna kill themself?

He has been there for me through everything, and made me happy when I was doubting myself. He lives really close to me, so I'd send him a long ass text, letting him know that he's my bestfriend and my crush and tell him everything I love about him, then I'd list all of the good times we've had, how many people that care about him, etc.. AND THEN I'd show up at his door step with our favorite tv show on DVD, our favorite movies, a fluffy blanket, and a pizza on the way because I love him way too much to ever let him do that to himself.
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Latest answers from Bailey Ferris

HO: holy damn, you're so perfect. you're absolutely gorgeous, everything about you is just, gosh.. Perfection. I have no clue who you are, aha! I love your smile though and you have anything that any Guy could have asked for in such a perfect girl well ld love to talk too you perfect Hmu

Who is this? Aw thanks.

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