
Becca Burchett

Ask @BeccaLouise1697

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Guuuuuurl you look so good and healthy and happy, long time no see! You've lost so much weight! 😵

Awhhh thankyou so much, it means a lot! Who is this? 🙈 I've been getting real healthy lately. I've upped the exercise, am watching what I eat, drink only water and decaf tea and eat a lot of fruit! 😊
Liked by: TheJiziason

Any regrets or things you'd change if you had the chance?

Tbh with you, life is too short to hold onto regrets. They drag you down, make you miserable and break you, and make you forget to get on with your life. I have a couple of things I wish I'd said or done in moments over the past few months but I've also had times where I'm happy I said and did the right thing for the situation.

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Who knows you the best?

My Luca :') he can read how i am feeling based on a single look or the way I'm talking and he always knows what will help. He is so supportive and caring and lovely and amazing and he knows everything about me, all my secrets, hopes, dreams, desires, my little quirks and all of my favourite things :') <3

Perfect date?

Just being with him is absolute perfection. being ourselves and smiling and laughing together whatever we are doing is actually so perfect, so for me i dont have an idea of a "perfect date" being with him is just wonderfully perfect.
Liked by: Sophie Holmes emily

Opinion on Emily wraight?

1. Kind, 2. Lovely, 3. pretty 4. Easy going and non judgemental, 5. Honest, 6. Great friend to both Tayo and Luca, 7. Funny and 8. Interesting:)
Liked by: Nina emily

When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing?

Cuddling up with him on the sofa with a blanket watching Friends and movies....fuck i miss him like crazy :/
Liked by: Sophie Holmes Nina

What’s on your mind?

I get to go over Luca's after my morning exam, tomorrow afternoon! :D :') :') excitedddd <3

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

Luca without hesitation...could we not just live on a desert island together? er...no two specific other people really spring to mind straight away :L
Liked by: Nina

Where did you meet your best friend?

I met Luca at church :') and I met Tayo through Luca, and met him in person for the first time at the church youth christmas party :) and I met my third best friend at sixth form a few months ago
Liked by: James Stewart

What does your last text message say?

from Tayo - "Lol.yeah but I have to slow down quiiittteee a bit :p awe good so you're going out :) what you gonna do in town? :p"
- Text from yesterday morning -

Ahh well I'm glad you cheered him up! He's so clever I'm sure he will do amazing! If I see him I'm sure my hug attacks will cheer him up :')

James Stewart
Hehe, he doubts himself too much, he is seriously so smart and I'm like wooooaaahhhh! :')

What was the last restaurant you went to?

Frankie and Benny's in London after going to see Wicked :)
Liked by: Nina

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

yesss :') a couple actually....so grateful for them <3
Liked by: Nina

If you could do anything now, what would you do?

go to his house and spend the night with him, cuddles to make him feel better and talking all night being completely random and funny :')
Liked by: Nina


Language: English