
Rebekah McDonald

Ask @Bekkkky

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Shut up stupid anon, I'll bash you. Wanna take this outside? Come at me m8! Love you rebmcdo xxxxxxx

Aw love you tanhero! xxx
p.s don't wanna mess with The TANAY HERON
Liked by: George♡

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can you please fuck off and leave her alone, it's not her fault she didn't ask to be diabetic, so if you keep going on with this shit ill cut your dick off

Kobi Pescud
HAHAHA love you kobi so much xx
Liked by: Kobi Pescud

I don't like that you can only have 300 characters per question, I could be raging so much right now but no I have to keep it down to 300 characters, stupid ask fm haha I swear of I find out who said that about you, all hell will break loose :)

hahaha oh how i love you x

Anons are pussys and a piece of advise to them MAYBE IF YOU CAME OF ANONYMOUS YOU WOULDN'T LOOK LIKE SUCH A FAGGOT they're just scared cus they know I will beat THE ABSOLUTE CRAP OUT OF THEM BITCH yeh love you don't listen to them look at all the people sticking up for you, the anon is worthless

love you ❤❤❤❤❤
Liked by: George♡

don't apologize to that fugly ANON for having diabetes, don't say sorry they dint deserve it You are gorgeous and you have the best body, don't ever say other wise! It's not you're fault, and I know it's hard stuff but fuck the anon they're just jealous cus ur perfect and they're a pussy RUN AT ME ❤

love you so much! x ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Liked by: George♡

You're beautiful not an ugly diabetic ? So what if she has it. It's not her fault.

thank you so much! and i know i can't help i have this. love you x
Liked by: Kobi Pescud

your a beautiful gal, ignore the haters, and don't let anyone tell you different xxx

i love you! thank you so much x

To whoever the dickhead was that just said that to Rebekah, i would want to shut the fuck up if i were you. You have absolutely no idea how much that can hurt a girl, especially when you target on her weaknesses. Next time, keep your words to yourself cunt.

This made my night thank you so much! i love you whoever this is x

it was me that said to stop the hate because i just hate seeing hate but i dont think you know me but i think ive seen you at school before

Brodie Moar
aw thank you so much! and i think i have seen you once or twice :) x

how about everyone leave rebekah alone so what she has diabetes i may have never spoken to her before but i hate seeing people say shit like this leave her alone and do something better with your lives you selfish faggots

thank you so much! please tell me who you are? x

aww beck! your beautiful don't listen to that stupid anon they dont know anything xx

thank you so much! i didn't know people could be that rude and judgemental x


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