
Rebekah McDonald

Ask @Bekkkky

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Bek you are one of my best friends! i have known you forever, we have been friends ever since grade 6 and you are in my class just like grade 7! we have so many funny memories that i could never forget and we do the funniest things together that no one else would. you love to slack with me. love you

Aw love you nay. haha love our memories and facials and stuff haha. love you loads! x x

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like: Bek you're my tennis buddy, even though we spent most of the time off the court dancing around to music hehe! But you're so gorgeous and lovely and I miss you so much gal! :( love you xxxxxx

Bella Jade
aw miss you so much. thank you tennis buddy. love you xxx
Liked by: Bella Jade

Thoughts on Nienke?? xx

Aw love Nienke. She is so beautiful inside and out. Funniest gal. Greaaaatest friend. Have the best memories. " Who's scratching who's balls?" haha. love her. x x x

Bek you're amazing, don't let anyone tell you different!

Aw thank you so much. But I don't see it :( xx

Thoughts on ms gill?

Well I haven't really had her for a teacher before. A few people have said she's really nice and stuff. She kinda scares me but yeah

thoughts on Bella? Xx

Omg miss Bella so much. She is so bloody gorgeous it's not fair for one human to look as good as her. She has this amazing personality that everyone loves. She has this cute laugh haha. Best body. Miss her so much. Need to catch up xx love her xx
Liked by: Bella Jade

Thoughts on dougy?

Dougy is the man. Went to primary school with him. Known him for ages. Not really close but we should talk more. Really nice guy. He is also well respected in our grade. xx

compliment- one of the nicest girls in grade 9 and such a pretty girl xx

aw thank you so much. love you xx

impersonate paige

shut up bek
h8 ms denny
he's hot
*sexual expressions*
i want to lick him
he's ugly
h8 her
love you bek
no one is laughing bek besides you
*randomly get violent*
best friends forever
haha love you paige xx
Liked by: paige lewis

that cut left a scar, i h9 art. #cutforbieber

HAHAHA when we get back to school i will take you to the councillor if you want ? haha #cutforbieber xx

impersonate Tanay

wot wot wot
i'm a fab
shut up kyoko
no just shut up
noodle man
we are fabulous
omg i wanna be a cat
* takes selfie with cat and puts a cat face on her face*
werk it ladies
i got it from my mumma
* does nothing at school*
school work is for losers
i want chocolate
*snapchats me random poses with food *
let me look at your laptop
* takes sexual selfies on my laptop*
i have to much swag for you
i'm going to cut you
* cuts herself by accident *
shut up grace no one cares
shut up bek your not even funny
fine then don't sit with me i will be fab by my self
*screams in history cause a spider fell on her*
i don't want to do sport
" There gay i don't like them"
i know you want me
hate you bek
no one is laughing at your joke besides you bek
lilly you idiot
love you bek
i love myself more than anything

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impersonation of kobi

I'm fabulous
Toni Anne is fabulous
* says something totally random that doesn't even make sense*
Sharny poo
Apples yummy
*takes 5 apples to school*
Zac Efron Is so hot
Shut up don't wanna talk to you
OMG high school musical my fav
I'm fab
Emma is my fav
Hate Emma
HAHAHAH that's all love ya Kobi xxx
Liked by: Kobi Pescud

Okay I just spammed you with likes and it took me about 1/2 an hour, don't judge I'm cool and now you have exactly 615 likes

holy moly hahaha xx

Thoughts on x

Nathan's sister. Nah haha Emily you are beautiful like legit. So sweet to me. Funny as. And yeah a really pretty, funny, nice girl to be around love ya xx


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