
Rebekah McDonald

Ask @Bekkkky

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Who ever is targeting Bek needs to stop, you obviously are to big a coward to say it to her face so you probably shouldn't say it at all. Bek isn't a skunk or a slut, she's not fat or ugly… she is the most amazing, beautiful person i have ever met. she doesn't deserve all the hate so back off!!!!!

thank you! i love you xx
Liked by: George♡

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dont fucking listen to those anons. you arre fucking flawless! dont let that bitch bring you down. you are NOT fat. you are NOT a skank or slut or anything. you are a BEAUTIFUL~DROP DEAD GORGEOUS GIRL and any guy will be lucky to have you!! love you! xoxox <3

Aww I love you to. Come off anon xx
Liked by: George♡

Bek don't worry about the stupid scumbags that are saying crap about you! It most likely means that they are just jealous of you because you are such a beautiful and amazing young girl who is going to go far in life! If I find out who it is they better watch out! No one does this to my baby. Luv Ash

i love you Ash xxx ❤

I bet you would'nt be able to say that crap to her face because you know I would be the crap out of you and you are too scared to come off anon cus you know I will drive three hours down to come and find you and make you say it to my fist so shut up or come off anon xoxo Georgia

fanks Georgia my mexican hobo friend :D xx
Liked by: George♡


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