

Ask @Belen_Duenas

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What do you think is the best gift for wedding?

omg weddings are just emotional all together. Like every time I go to a wedding, i cry. But a good gift would be like a cooking pot or something. Because then in there they can bake cakes and be happy, and stir it up with love and happiness. brb sobbing rn

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How important is it for you to have a lot of money?

not important at all, as long as you're with the person you love. then it wont matter how much money you have, because you'll get through it together. ❤

what's the worst thing about being a girl?

well i saw this and it was perfect:
Being too tall
Being too short
Thinking you're too fat
Covering your acne
Doing your makeup perfectly
Smudging your eyeliner
Being called 'cake faced'
Having small boobs
Sore boobs
Running with boobs
Worrying about showing too much boobs
Making sure your bra doesn't show
Deciding what to wear every morning
Wearing the same pair of pants too often
Straightening your hair
Curling your hair
Braiding your hair
Shaving your legs
Shaving your armpits
Painting your toes/nails
Repainting them when they chip
Tweezing your eyebrows perfectly
Hating your nose
Forgetting Chapstick when you go out
Buying a dress for a dance
Hating the dress you bought
Buying a second dress
Finding the right shoes
Worrying about having a date to the dance
Worrying about going on dates
Worrying about what to wear on dates
Being sad because you don't go on dates
Being sad because he took 43 minutes to text back and you took 2
Being sad because he didn't text back
Overthinking what to respond to his text
Birth control
Wearing the right earrings
Wearing too much jewelry
Having your first kiss
Having your first boyfriend
Fighting with your boyfriend
Breaking up with your boyfriend
Being dumped
Wondering what you did wrong
Missing your ex
Fighting with best friends
Loosing best friends
Crying because to lost them
Crying about boys
Crying about cramps
Crying about your parents
Crying because you're fat
Crying because you're ugly
Not believing him when he tells you you're beautiful
Having unreasonable trust issues
Feeling invisible
When you dress really pretty to impress that one guy and he isn't even at school today
Worrying he's with other girls
Being cheated on
Being lied to
Being misunderstood
Being judged by strangers
Not being able to eat whatever you want
Wanting longer hair
Wanting a different color hair
Wanting a different eye color
Being in between jeans sizes
When they don't have a shirt you love in your size
Never feeling good enough
Being called a whore when you're a virgin
Keeping secrets
Secrets getting out
Making mistakes
People not letting you forget your mistakes
Accidentally saying something mean to someone
Clothing malfunctions
Bad haircuts
Eating too much
Swearing too much
Having to act like a lady 24/7
Being clumsy
Smelling good
Having moisturizer legs
Having too short shorts in summer
Finding the perfect bikini for summer
Getting a tan
Being too pale
Being too dark
Being sunburned
Looking enormous in winter clothing
Judgement for what music you like
Guys with girlfriends
Waiting for him to ask you out
Boys in general

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Language: English