
Isabella Flores

Ask @BellaFlores486

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What is the quality you most like in a man?

One with a big ego,cocky,and a dick!! Oh ya perfect boyfriend right there!! =[]

Where are you at the moment?

Laying down in bed trying to get some sleep before I gotta get up in 4 hours to go to motherfucking school!!! Life is perfect right now!!! *_*

What do you think about marriage?

I think everyone deserves to get married but in my opinion at the right time...:)

Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?

I don't knowwww :|||

What would you do with your “15 minutes” of fame?

Date someone famous that I admire and care for as a person!! :D

Hey beautiful xx can you like 50 answers of mine & I'll like 60 of yours? Like 90 for 2 gifts :) I've 6k followers, your page will get flooded ;) Your page is wonderful❤ Promise❤ PlsFollowMe❤

And I just followed you :|

Hey ! like 50 of my recent answers and ill like 55 yours, if you don't want to then I understand :) im also following you now, thanks and stay beautiful <3

I just followed you :|

Hi could you like my 50 first recent answers (: if you don't want to thanks anyways but if you do I'd appreciate it " i know you get this question all the time i'm Really sorry " and im also following you maybe followed back beautiful :)) xx

Your welcome =]]]]]]

Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

Avatar the movie had a big impact on my life because after reality hit me I was sad because I could never be one :(((((( ......and reading is at the bottom of my todo list but I read "The Outsiders"and that was really good!! =}


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