
• Kɑśĸɑ • 

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xlethalraidx’s Profile Photo✟ Raidon ✟
⠀⠀﹡✶ ⃰
⠀⠀┆And I wɑs ɾunnin' fɑɾ ɑwɑγ.
⠀⠀┆Would I ɾun off the woɾld somedɑγ?
⠀⠀┆Nobodγ knows, nobodγ knows.
⠀⠀┆And I wɑs dɑncing in the ɾɑin,
⠀⠀┆I felt ɑlive ɑnd I cɑn't complɑin.
⠀⠀﹡✶ ⁎
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