Ask @Benyxdd

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.. You're not.. It's just that i don't want you to get hurt.. And i don't wanna hurt your feelings.. And sometimes i feel like it's better if we don't talk.. I want you to be good.. With our without me..

After everything you said here..I'm sure.
And why would I get hurt....? You mean if I start to feel something for you? In that way?
And that's why you feel that is better if we don't talk anymore? Because of my feelings? That's funny: )))
Or because you're afraid that you would start to feel?
I'm good and I will always be..don't worry.

i'm not the best when it comes to show something i feel .. And ..i can't handle what it's happenin with me right now.. But i do care.. But it's a little bit different

Yea...but at least a sign you can give me because it's feels like I'm a stress for you

si daca iti pasa de ce nu sunteti impreuna? Sau de ce nu lupti pentru ea daca e ceva complicat.

Pentru ca ei nici macar nu-i pasa daca vorbim sau nu ..deci ce sens are sa lupt pentru ceva ce doar eu vreau .. ? N-are sens s-o mai deranjez.


Language: English