

Ask @BestFriendsRuleTheWorld

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haha it was like 4 hours cause we talked from 2 in the afternoon to like 6 and your mom was like your Stoll on the phone what the heck it was so funny and yeah life sucks

lizzydizy_1021’s Profile PhotoLizzy
hahaha yep :) <3
Liked by: Lizzy

What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

lizzy and about life

so what and I ask her questions why do you care so much if you don't like how she "presses the question of the day button" then get off her ask and more people ask her questions than you think back off

lizzydizy_1021’s Profile PhotoLizzy
thanks u ilysm :) <3

you click the question for the day button to ask yourself questions😂 there's no way you could have 1000 questions. and your questions, no one asks those😂😂 whatever floats your boat.

????????? im so confused????????
Liked by: Libby Tomanek


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