
Beth Adams

Ask @BethRoseAdams

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Yeah, but there have been other stupid reasons as to why some people haven't been there.

Like what?

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Yeah! And, some people just need to be kicked out already!

Yeah really like unless they have a good excuse of why they can't be there then

It makes me fuming mad though! Like, you made a commitment to do this musical!

Dude same and like some people don't come and they're not even sick or anything! Or they don't come because it's a music day. Music and choreography and blocking are all equally important!

Who do you think is going to be kicked out?

I mean some people have excuses like they're sick and such but I don't want to name names.

You know what makes me mad? When people don't show up for rehearsals!

Seriously!! It's tech week they need to get their shit together.

What’s your favorite method of shopping?

I pick out all the clothes I want, try them on, and buy whatever fits and isn't expensive Lmao

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a race car driver.

What do you think people think of you?

I don't care what people think of me lmao. The only peoples opinion worth caring about are the ones who can accept you for you.

What does it mean to be independent?

It means you can take care of yourself and not have to depend on anything or ecspecally, anyone. You know how to make a living.

Do you like your name?

Idk sometimes I do but sometimes it's the ugliest name anyone could think of.


Language: English