

Explain your perfect partner :)

Well, to me personality means more to me than looks. I would want him to want to spend time with me, not all day everyday but still often enough. Not to be a pushy person but does protect me and wants me to be all theirs, which I will be as I'm faithful. They must also trust me otherwise there is nothing holding the relationship together. Calls me beautiful, tells me what I mean to them, and for them to prove they mean it. Loves me for who I am and doesn't wish to change me. I don't want him to feel embarrassed to be with me. Is kinda goofy when he's with me. wants to meet my friends. Would just sit and chat to me for hours. I just want him to be there for me.
Honestly I think I've found my 'perfect' person and I really hope he feels the same. he is my world.

Latest answers from Becca.Mae

Why is the sky blue?

A clear cloudless day-timesky is bluebecause molecules in the air scatterbluelight from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because thebluelight has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.

Would you rather have white hair or no hair?

I dont really know.
Any hair colour would be good, it doesnt matter what the colour is as hair is hair.
No hair also isnt a bad thing as many people dont have hair and they still truly look beautiful.

But creeping could be caring and looking out for someone's best interests

Ah i understand, and i agree but if its for no purpose, then its weird

Language: English