

Ask @BigBangTheoryFann

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enemies [ ] sivil [ ] friends [ ] close friends [x] ugly [ ] cute [ ] really pretty [x] really really pretty [ ] do I have your number on my phone, yes [ ] no [x] how old do you = 15 look have you ever made me laugh = YEAH, defiently what they are good but don't admit - drawing and playing guitar :D

Thankyou :D is this Lauren or Immie ?? xx

Hi, I'm really sorry for all the horrible things I said yesterday to you and other I did not realise how hurtful they were. Please delete them so we can forget all about this

someone has a guilty conscience.
Liked by: B. lauren

I'm Cazzy's friend and I don't even talk to mrs graham so yo lied to me :( and why would her parents want her to disappear when they created her, by choice, with love for one and other in the first place.

Thanks Ni !xx

Hey, thanks for liking my status thingy! 3 questions, right? 1) Favourite saying/quote? 2) Last person to make you smile? 3) Who do you think is the hottest celebrity? So yeah, there ya go! Sorry they're not amazing questions but feel free to follow me/like my answers/ask me questions whenever :)

Katy Roberts
1) Bazinga 2) Lauren 3) Jim Parsons :) Will do and thankyou :D
Liked by: lauren

btw my dear anon, when i find out who you are, you'll have no teeth left. :) think about what you're doing. just because you're insecure about yourself doesn't mean its okay to be nasty towards others. grow up, don't waste your time x

thankyou chloe !xxx
Liked by: B. lauren

why do you hate Mrs.Graham you and your friends are nothing but a cow to her

do I really care what you think..no so bye.

they just asked me that fucking question as well.

They really need to grow up and stop being so sick in the head !

15) who is the one person you can trust?:3

I can't really trust anyone :L but I tell Lucy and you quit a bit

11) out of 10 how much do you lie?

to my parents probably 10 :L and I don't really lie to my friends unless I have to


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