

Ask @BinaliChaudhari

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What movie or book character are you most similar to?

Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

What do you do when you don't know the answer ?

You find an answer because it keeps bothering you until you don't find one and if it bothers, you will know it's important.
Take care of your heart and mind in the process.

what to say to yourself when you feel sad and depressed ?

I am not good at this either, but being in nature helps and if you don't want to go outside treat yourself with some ice cream, take shower (it really helps) and write if you feel like.

I need to ask you something and I want you to be totally honest with me. It might be awkward between us since we don't even know each other but it just doesn't seem fair on me if I don't get an answer. I want you to tell me truthfully, no matter how harsh it is... Do you prefer Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

abhisheak13’s Profile PhotoAbhisheak Das
Coke over everything.
Liked by: Abhisheak Das

Today is my mother’s birthday I forgot to buy gift and i spent all my money yesterday at the mall what should I give her?

Kevin Sam
Just spend some time with her, tell her how much you love her cause she is the only human being on earth who never ask for anything except the love from her family.
Happy birthday

One line for the most important person in your life ?

It's not for one person, I will say that for every person who are in my life, which are not many that I am grateful for your existence and I really want nothing but happiness and peace for you and I want this world to be kind to you.


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