

Ask @BlazikenGod

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I remembered this site exists so i guess an update if people check this

So, a LOT has changed since i left.
The biggest thing probably is that i realised im transgender and i go by Ashley and AshSingularity now. and overall, things have somewhat gotten better since i left, im in a better state of mind mentally, i feel better about myself and i have a great group of friends who i appreciate a lot.
Honestly, if you're checking in on this dead account for whatever reason i appreciate that and if you want to keep up with me, follow my twitter. Or if you're an old friend checking in for shits and giggles like i was, add me on discord i'd love to re-connect with some of my old friends.
Anyways, take care yall, love ya.


For real, i'm not gonna bother with ask anymore.
Haven't been on it in 2 months because i'm dissinterested with ask due to the updates and shit and the fact that most of my friends have left ask.
If you want to chat or whatever, here's my social medias.
my skype and discords are blazikengod.
That's pretty much it, later everyone.
Liked by: Sonic Tails

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Ever met up with an internet friend?

If you had asked me this 2 months ago i would've said no.
But due to me heading down to New Zealand i was able to get me mum to drive down to auckland and...
i walked the steps of the steep hill, becoming very tired and still pressing forward.
I knocked on the door to heaven
and there he was....
(Also as of me typing this i'm going back to NZ tomorrow for my Grandad's 80th so i may be able to meet up with him again though most likely not)

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The Crossover Combatant
Yeah. maybe some other people thrown in there but yeah.

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?

Not have any of the racist/homophobic bullshit some of my grandparents have

Matt's QOWITOO: Do you have any plans for 2016?

Hopefully just make it better than last year.
Also attend more Smash Tournaments.

If Konami was forced to sell all of their video game franchises, which company do you think should buy those franchises?

Capcom would probably be able to do a pretty good contra.
Nintendo pretty much invented Metroidvanias so they get Castlevania.
Whatever company made the games Sam Fisher is from or Kojima Productions gets Metal Gear.
Not sure what else but those are the best i could think of.

Why after all the shit he's given you, do you still like finndread?

Well, even after all the shit he throws at me, i do understand where he comes from and is a generally likeable guy despite sometimes being an idiot.
I'm just gonna end that shit here since i don't want to start any drama.

Stupid question time! If you had to hit someone's balls, would you rather punch them or kick them there?

Kick them

When it comes to your dream job who's your biggest inspiration?

The Crossover Combatant
Oh hey you asked a relatively good question
For making films it's probably anyone who works in the animation department at disney/pixar
For playing smash and esports for a living it's Mew2King/ZeRo
Mew2king because he's just a sick as player and ZeRo for that epic 55 tournament winning streak

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

Watch MLP and other Animated Shows in Public


Language: English