

Latest answers from Blorp

Who do you want to marry?

Something something 3D pig disgusting, something something 2D superior.
But seriously? Someone cute and (I cannot stress this enough) not secretly or openly psychotic.

while the rest of my life crumbles around me, even though it's been years since I last read any of your quests, i still remember that bit of joy, i doubt you'll even see this message, but thanks for the stories blorp.

I'm still here. I don't know if it's right of me to say, but I wish you nothing but the best, and hope things start turning around for you soon. Give 'em hell.

I'm glad that my writing could give you joy, and thank you for reading.

Are you still alive out there? It's been six months since your last twitter update.

Sorry, guys. For the past... what, year? Half year? Between getting ground down to a stressed out pulp by work and family, my life's basically been pic related.
I'm alive, though. And I'm working on getting everything in order. So I'll be back; it's just a matter of when, and that depends on how well (or poorly) this next month goes.
Because goddamn, I have missed being able to preface posts with "You are Urist Twelfthbay, and you are the moe personification of Dwarf Fortress"...
Are you still alive out there Its been six months since your last twitter update

Urist wearing the virgin killer sweater?

She'd be very, very thankful for the great big mass of braids covering up her back!

Will Urist fall into a strange mood once the time comes for the hot-springs episode? You know, for crafting their very own swimsuit? It seems like that's something that might happen.

Urist looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!

> tmw you realize Urist made a timeshift of about a whole year. > tmw you realise how much has changed in Gameindustry over this time > tmw Blank gets their power back via Switch

This is why I've given up trying to map the quest to real time!

Finally, have you decided on what platform to use? /qst/ isn't that bad actually.

At this point, it's less about how good or bad /qst/ is and more about the fact that I just don't have time to (regularly!) sit down for like 3-6 hours, late at night. And having to put the quest on hiatus whenever I'm traveling/pinned down by work/visiting family really sucks.
So I'm probably shifting over to a forum. While that has its pros and cons compared to 4chan, being able to bang out updates on a more flexible schedule (instead of in bursts) seems like a much better fit to my schedule nowadays.

When can we get our gauntlet upgrades? Estelle promised us that she could upgrade them if we were to get a Metal Dogoo.

As soon as Urist gets her hand on that rare metal, she should be good to go. Given all the shit that's been going down, upgrading her weapon has been pretty low on her list of priorities, but once she has the time...

So Blorp, this world we are in right now... can we visit leanbox? Depending on the inhabitants and the answer to a prior question... We can achieve Vert's live-long dream.

I think the more important question might be "is there even a Leanbox in this place?"

> Digging too deep might yield some other surprises, though. | This is a plan for the future Blorp! We shall do as the dwarfs do, and dig to deep!


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